My references
An excerpt from my work and references. Now the one or the other may turn up his nose about the one or the other topic, the others like it. Roughly summarized, there is actually no uninteresting topic or area that does not deserve our attention.
And no, the references here, it is not all work, many just in the field of video editing / creation are private or corporate. In addition, most private videos would violate copyright by all the rules of art, which is, however, privately allowed.
Renate Rauh, Author
The manifestation primer
Whether it’s the parking space or the money, anyone can manifest. This primer is a practical guide on how to manifest your dreams and desires. You will easily recognize where possible blockages are and receive tips on how to eliminate them. Don’t wait, just start. Make room for miracles!
Available in bookstores
ISBN: 978-3-7103-3004-9
To the blog post by Renate Rauh
A KSC LLP project.

Helmut Ham (alias Helmut Szynka)
Graphics, design, layout, printing and advertising for your new book.
The last generation of “Püttrologists”: “or buddy, we were at the mine”
Zum Blog Beitrag
To the homepage
A KSC LLP project.
Helmut Ham
(Aka Helmut Szynka)
Author and publicist
The WEB site is now online and is filling with content.
His first book will be published in May 2024.
A KSC LLP project.

Renate Rauh
Graphic, design, layout, print and promotion for her new book: “Wenn Du durch die Hölle musst, dann bitte mit Lackschuhen”
A KSC LLP project.

Language: German

Safety Video
Traffic in Thailand
(English only)
MMS/CDSplus Beginning psoriasis | official WEB page
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by inflammatory flare-ups and dry, scaly skin. It is important that affected areas of skin are treated carefully to relieve itching and inflammation and prevent the disease from spreading to other areas.
This protocol, over 33 days, shows tremendous success in the case of incipient psoriasis or mild psoriasis. In the follow-up over 6 months later, no active recurrence has been detected.
There are currently no findings for severe psoriasis.
TEASER – Pattaya Countdown 2022/23
A video production for the New Year’s Eve / New Year’s Party 2022/23, at Bali Hai Pier, Pattaya, Thailand.
Why you cannot talk away trauma and what to do instead
Video Production for Energy Field Mastery
A KSC LLP project.