Dangerous behavior of a farang
We already know the inappropriate behavior of a farang in Thailand. I had dangerous behavior live today, for hours!
This was not a motorcycle accident, but a deliberate attack on life and limb – both my girlfriend’s and my own.
Anyone who rams another motorcycle broadside in moving traffic is acting deliberately and is consciously accepting the consequences for themselves.
Zum Ablauf
On this side road, the person responsible for the accident had already turned into “Second Road” without looking. I had to brake hard and gave a short honk, as is customary in Thailand.
After the person responsible for the accident reacted with irritation, I still had to pass him due to a car almost driving next to me, which was again more than tight.
The person who caused the accident was now behind me, and for me that was the end of the matter. Traffic in Thailand is often chaotic.

Further along the “Second Road” I was then rammed by the person responsible for the accident.
With one hand in the air, he drove on quickly and triumphantly.
My guess is that the driver was not in a lucid state – possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Who knows for sure? It certainly wasn’t normal behavior.
And if you think you won’t get any help here, you’re wrong. There are already other people here and you have to be patient. When it was finally my turn, my friend – as so often – had already disappeared again, so I had to sort everything out on my own.
After I had made my request, I was told that nothing could be done without the license plate number of the person who had caused the accident – except for a police order for free treatment if I was injured.
After some back and forth, I remembered the Thai word for “intent”, whereupon the policeman became more attentive. He explained that it would take some time to analyze the CCTV footage and that they would call me.
If my girlfriend remembers the license plate number, please let me know.

A loss of 3,100 baht is not a fortune and will not kill me.
But I am absolutely in favor of the driver being held accountable and punished. Acting like the Wild West is simply not OK!
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#AccidentInThailand #Thailand #Pattaya #HitAndRun #Accident #TrafficThailand