Retirement at 85 is already under discussion!
Retirement is a popular and much-discussed topic in Germany. When can I retire? Will my pension be enough in old age? Is the system on the verge of collapse in view of an ageing society and migration policy? Can I financially afford to retire earlier?
The pension at 67 will not be financially viable in the future, warned Veronika Grimm, an economist. Instead, “the standard retirement age should be linked to life expectancy”, she told the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers. Early retirement” must also be stopped. Wan can I retire will then no longer be an issue.
Now sarcastically speaking, perhaps there is nothing wrong with investing in cemetery operators who set up and run cemeteries on company-owned land next to the company headquarters. Anyone who doesn’t want to talk about obvious slavery hasn’t recognized many things or doesn’t want to recognize them.
To the article of the Münchner Merkur

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